Time to redefine masculinity?
D ear Men, It all began from home once when you saw your family with drooped shoulders as you welcomed your baby sister into the world - because she was "not very fair", when she was told she couldn't ride a bike as you boasted of your new ride in your neighborhood, when you were taught to be aggressive and not hold back when another kid from the block dares to punch you - but not to shed a tear, EVER! The stories you heard and the movies you saw taught you that objectifying women as things is completely natural - "You're the best thing I've ever laid my eyes upon and I won't let you away from my sight." Probably every billboard taught you women need to be flawless for "your consumption" and you need to be rugged - dare you look "feminine" for that's an insult to your manhood. When a classmate was labeled an opportunist just because she scored better and snubbed the advances of your hormonally-charged f...