Pink or Blue - It's not a colorful thought!

I wonder if it wasn't for gender, how would friendship be, how would the notion of romance be, how would we be? His and her is drilled in our head by school, media and even families, so it's difficult to imagine any role at home, workplace or among friends that isn't influenced by how a person should act, feel, love basis their gender!

Isn't it time for families to teach children to feel loved rather than how to love, to speak up rather than thinking twice before saying a word because they are the "weaker sex" or be the only one to raise their voice and finger of course at home for being the "man of the house"?

Shouldn't everyone be allowed to be sensitive because we are creatures that feel, and mind you, not from the heart but the mind - another stereotype. Should I go with my heart against the "norms" or should I listen to my mind? Really? Your heart pumps blood and yes till it does, you'll live but it's your brain that makes you absorb, remember and even stand up for what you believe in, so let's begin by letting it be!

What do you think?


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