My Song

Amidst the music of the days
I was lost as a song
And Life seemed to be awfully long
Dancing to the tunes of the globe
Thought I was being right always wrong
And Life seemed to be awfully long
Lost as a song..

Seeking shelter from the rain I missed the rainbow
Closed the doors as joyous raindrops came knocking upto me
The saplings climbed up on the staircase of the blue sky
But the ladder of success was all that I could see
On the rocky road I could have walked a mile
In this bargain my friends I lost my smile
In the music of life lost as a song
Life seems to be awfully long..

In my canvas I painted myself black and white
Day goes by and so does the night
The sunlight blinds me now I can no longer see
My shadow no longer walks with me
Every night is a nightmare of mornings to come
The clock ticks to remind me to be on the run
In the music of life I want to sing my own song
Something in me seems to be awfully wrong..

As I learn to dance to my tune
Where the music be my own
Let me fall in love with the road once again
As I forget the milestones
No longer lost as a song
Life is no longer awfully long
As I believe I am free
I am what I had always wanted to be..


  1. Glad to finally see another talent online!
    Proud of u, Rose..
    Blog more :]
    Happy blogging

  2. 100% true Kuri..... Amazing articles u have in ur blog..... Keep up the good work......Update the blog often... :D

  3. hey i like d it allot very truly u have said.......:))

  4. Thank you for the kind comments :)


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