As I Become The Quill

Yes it is the empty parchment kept amidst the sheet of countless papers on the bookshelf of time. Destiny is neither a prewritten book of golden words nor the map of lines of our hands. It is a blank parchment for us to scribble upon. We embody the strength and the weakness, the destiny doesnot.We hold the lines of our hand amidst our fist and our hands have strength enough to change the course of our life. We must be the believer of our our own hands and our own self rather than the believer of destiny which is a sum of perspiration and inspiration. Inspiration is all we need as the driving force that makes us perspire for a path as beautiful as the destination itself. Relying upon destiny is the biggest mistake that one could ever make as merely relying upon the wind a bird cannot fly across the sky to reach safely to its nest. It is entirely our decision to either be a leaf drifting away with the wind towards an unknown destination or to be the wind itself travelling towards the destination of its choice.Therefore the origin of the destination is a decision that lies in own hands. The hands are the workers who mould our life by writing the key to our destiny. The pack of cards determine the turn
of events but the ultimate power lies in the hands of the player behind the desk. It is human tendency to shield oneself from any upcoming contingencies by hiding in the puzzle of life as a part of the puzzle itself instead of making an effort to rack their brains to unveil the true face of destiny.

Destiny cannot be altered by the statues placed in the places of worship or by the never ending stories in store for the residents of the earth by the stars of the sky. It can be created by walking on the rope in the circus of life as a jester laughing our troubles away with hope in one hand and karma in the other before the ocean of time dries out and life fades away mocking at the superstitions nestled in our hearts. Let us be the pen that scribbles our destiny on the long awaiting parchments hidden under the dilemmas of the mind and not merely a reader searching for words that have never been written.


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