Bad. Good. Better.


Sometimes the question arises in our heart that wether we are good. Truly it seems to be a simple question with an answer as simple but as we try pondering over it,the realisation dawns upon us that the answer to this question is entangled in the web of perceptions. Did we ever try to differentiate between the good and the bad, not on the basis of our beliefs but as the universal truth.Universal truths are lying on a platter in front of us but we are busy preparing and exhibiting our own dishes of thoughts. Does being good mean having only sweet words to offer without any drop of sourness or does it mean not having any hatred for people hidden within the closet of our body? But if this is what being good means, is it in any way humanly possible? No, it is definitely not. Then why are people classified into the categories of good and bad?

Good and bad does not exist. All that exists is right and wrong. The decisions that we might take may be right or wrong. Cheating is wrong and so is betrayal, Violence is wrong and so is hurting someone with words. Hatred is not completely wrong as it is not completely our choice. We need to channelise the negative energy towards something positive and with gradual acceptance of situations and perspectives that differ from individual to individual we can take our step towards being better human beings. Not from bad to good but from good to even better.


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