Colour Me The Colour Of Life

It is human tendency to focus on the bigger things that are presumed to be more significant aspects of life as we move ahead on the path of life.With time we all engross ourselves in the complexities of life and by focusing on the bigger things we loose sight of the small but meaningful aspects of greater importance. We build invisible walls around us and become blind to the world around us. This detachment from the world around us detaches us from our ownselves. We begin to lead the lives of pigeons who close their eyes to danger and challenges. Withdrawn from everything we fail to understand that challenges are a part of the puzzle of our life that are placed in our path so that we face them in order to come out of the difficulty as a winner with a better understanding of ability and capabilities. From within our invisible box where we seek refuge we keep on fading away and forget that everything big initiates from something meagre and that journey from the small to the big encompasses the beauty of life holding the key to true bliss and satisfaction. If the value of grains of soil in the land below our feet remains unknown then the value of the tree no matter how tall it may be, remains temporary with a frail foundation inspite of the roots held in place by the grains of the soil. 

When we lose ourselves in the chaos of life we lose the interest in the true beauty of life that we earlier used to cherish at one point of time. That is the beauty and innocence about childhood. Children teach us and inspire us to be happy and content by living for the moment and letting go of the past. They live in a fearless world unlike the adults. Where there is knowledge there is fear and with fear comes insecurity.They do not need any bribes from destiny to live a contended life. While delving into an ocean we leave behind the beauty of the dewdrop nestled in the arms of a leaf. The need to be satiated is increasing in accordance with the rising impatience. Man desires greater things in lesser time and in the process is unable to cherish the magnificence of the journey towards the destination. 

Even the enthusiasm to learn is lost as the process of acquiring knowledge consumes time but it is needed that we rack our brains in order to recall the sheer pleasure and the sense of pride with each step taken as a child and with every single thing learnt. Learning is a never ending process that is unrelated to age and experience. Every learning experience builds the foundation of our character and is merely a book in the library of knowledge. But this knowledge holds no importance sans the wisdom gained in the process of the acquisition.

The mission and our purpose of our existence will be accomplished when we learn to value and relish each step taken on our journey with equal amount of respect and acceptance of all the aspects of life. In this way the experiences will never be overwhelming and we will surely be able to unravel the secret to the key of happiness that is keeping the child in us alive. In order to overcome the shackles we need to break free from the prison of our thoughts and take time to rejoice the beauty of life. It is time to stop existing and start living. Life is not a race, go slow. The present time is a gift and must not be thrown away unopened.Whether it is purity embodied by a dewdrop, colours held by the wings of the butterfly or a sapling making its way slowly towards the sky they restore our faith in the beauty of life but we need to take time to savour it.

At the bottom of the teacup of life I lie as a tealeaf.
When put into hot water I selflessly give away my colour.
Colour me the colour of life as I brew into tea.
As someone relishes the taste let me also savour
the endeavour to add flavour to every season.
As my heart compels me to celebrate life
without any reason.
Sip the tea and add colour to me.
Let me remain not merely a trace but every
smile that you see.
As you cherish this mere thought I rejoice.
As you lived for a moment with a sole colour of your choice.
I can not be the rainbow but spare a moment for me.
Sip in the present for a tomorrow as delicious as it can be.


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