Preserving Life

With the blink of a moment a breath comes to life
and life itself sits for a while breathless.
As it is absorbed in by the innocent eyes.
Unaware of the dying humanity the life remains speechless.
In the new beginning merely a beginning of the end lies.
Before those smiling eyes learnt to shed
a tear a conscience died.
The eyes closed forever yet no one cried.

We are humans merely characters in the play of life not withholding the position to either create or destroy the elements off the life cycle through interference.All of us have originated from the womb of our respective mothers and have equal right to live. But we ourselves have been indulging in the heinous offence of female foeticide and infanticide. Rather than elimination of females from the face of the earth, it must be ensured that they are cherished and preserved as life in all of its forms. 

The purity of the pain borne by the woman to introduce another daughter, sister, wife and mother as a trace of surmise to the lurid world is incomparable. The story being written every moment as the life of a woman breathes life into all the relationships bound toghether as humanity. Because of being considered a burden to the family and merely a legacy to be passed over to another family over the years.

The foeticide rate has increased and the strength of female gender has visibly reduced from 972 to 933 against 1000 males in the past century, 941 in rural and 893 in the urban areas. Research says that the Indian comunity settled abroad shows visible traces of reduction in the female population. Approximately 10 million girls have faced death in the past 20 years either before or after birth from which 7000 diminish everyday.

It is high time that we stop waiting for a miracle and embody the utopia in the form of a miracle ourselves. This can be ensured through strong ethical values of the doctors. Feminist movements should be organized to evoke the feeling of sisterhood in females and belike they would stand toghether as one. The families with only males must be left devoid of additional incentives and moreover the males should get married to educated girls who are aware of their rights to a larger extent. The right time to act is now.


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