Memory Lane

The memory of the smile
brought a smile to my face as I sit by the window.
The sunrays poured over my face rescuing me from exile.
The clocked seemed to be pacing strangely slow.
I escaped from the prison of monotony
as I caught hold of a day of my kin
from my memory lane that led me to see
that I had never lost hold of the memories within.
My days of the past have been held in the fist as sand
where every memory still flutters as a firefly,
leaving behind a light in my hand
that breathe life into me before they die
to be reborn once again.
Maybe not on a sunny day like today
but on a green day of the rain,
as the raindrops tempt me to play.
I still hold the hand of every person as a memory.
I never lost the smiles I never lost the pain.
I dance the dance of happiness as I run free
on my memory lane.


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