Welcome to my factory

Welcome to my factory of toys.
I sell the tidbits to be played with.
I sell to the faces in the crowd a shopping bag full of joys.
The world is my playhouse I play with my wit.
As I control the puppets dimwitted.
I believe in my strings.
I hold them captive in the prison where once I hid
where they hold back to grow wings.
I was also manufactured but I learnt to play.
I learnt to sway the toys with the sway of my hand.
I was made to be sold but I had my own way.
I look down upon you in my own land.
I am the evil that rests in the factory of the mind.
I know the way through as I control one and all.
I am the blindfold you had never been blind.
May the happiness rest in peace in the graveyard of the toys big and small.
Welcome to my factory of toys.
I sell the tidbits to be played with.
sell to the faces in the crowd a shopping bag full of joys.
The world is my playhouse I play with my wit.


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