MEDIA- The Unparalleled Institution

    Media- The resonant voice of the people is undoubtedly placed upon a pedestal and is surely the only institution in itself and a brand that does not thrive on sycophancy. The importance of media today, whether it is print, radio or broadcast, is immense. Never before in the history of mankind have the media had a significant power and control over our lives and behavior. Media has the propensity to criticize and rightly so as criticism is the prerogative of media and cannot be termed as audacity. You point a finger at the media and the media remains unaltered and unperturbed. It comes out clean through every single mishap, as a lotus that blooms in the swamp but never fails to garner the attention of mankind.
    With the authority sans any trace of audacity, the dignified Media must play a pivotal role in educating the population and questioning those in power. The hourglass of time has been the witness of scams, scandals and umpteen malicious social practices but the dampened spirits of the angry mob have been uplifted, if not sufficient enough to resurrect the past, inspiring enough to be the candle that has lit the torches of numerous torchbearers who have not failed to spark a revolution.
    The media are expected to behave like powerful speaker systems for their coverage which should accurately reflect reality. Sometimes, the media is found constructing the reality captured, which also leads to them being accused of irresponsibility. The media does not distort the facts and figures but merely projects the footages and the write-ups as a poignant and strong tool to disarm the miscreants who are responsible for inflicting harm on sections of the society or the humungous society itself; and to evoke sympathy and support from the government and the public institutions. However, when the media do put forward the truth, they are still sometimes said to be too direct and uncaring because the truth itself can sometimes put forward a good story for the media, but which is not necessarily supported by the public. Many a times information is left out because what is important from the perspective of the sources may not be newsworthy from the perspective of the media.
    But, placing the power to decide the content would be disastrous. The public has divided itself into sects and communities that can be destroyed in the spur of a moment. The society is scattered like crumbs of biscuits on the sprawling land of the nation, fragmented and vengeful. Handing over the responsibility of the media on their shoulders would be catastrophic. The planets can never be the patriarch. The planets would never be abandoned by the sun yet they cannot embody the Supreme that stoically lends them energy to thrive. The media acts as a catalyst but the common man has unparalleled power, which when accompanied with aggression would be nothing less than forest fire.
    An opinionated world that one constructs inside their mind is a collection of thoughts, experiences and judgments that bind together to form a subjective feeling of life. But reality is not the same for every individual but varies from person to person as everyone does not share the same perspective regarding the food for thought. So, in order to avoid the chaos due to discrepancy, the Media needs to take the charge as a body that provides a platform where burning issues are debated upon and opinions shared along with the resolution regarding the respective judgment respectfully handed over to the Government.


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