The same old me, with a thought to share

Writing has become a part of me, as words which are an integral part of our existence. I write and later on wonder about my grammar.But, when I am writing, I am allowing the clutter within my head to be scattered all around in the form of words. As my work takes form, my thoughts take form . They speak to me when I refuse to vent out my emotions in front of my own self. I absorb the beauty around me like any other person whom I come across. But, I give life to the tidbits that capture my interest, enchant me or sadden me; I keep them with me forever in the form of my words. I capture a smile in words and sometimes try to spread it across through my scribbles. 

Have been trying my hand at graphics lately and yeah... by graphics I mean merely the designs and not the coding!! The thought itself is formidable enough to give me creeps.. Just thought of sharing them here as this is the only place close to my dream home.

I do not command my thoughts. They belong to me and would not play around with me. I would continue having fun with them. My scribbles and designs would continue meandering around on the blog.
This is me,Roshni, signing off once again to find myself in as I search real happiness.


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