Pick Pick Click - What makes me tick!

    As I sit down in my study and turn on my laptop, I end up staring at the wallpaper for a while.  It is the first photograph clicked in college, in the canteen- chairs stacked up on the open terrace as hungry students are yet to start pouring in.  Then, I begin rummaging through the drawers in my cabinet, I come across a stack of photographs captured and hidden on many a happiest days of the past few years. 

    Hidden in the crevices of my mind are the days when a curious child embarked upon a mission to search for shapes amidst the cotton candies of the clouds. The one who used to extend his hand to catch the stars that twinkled in the night sky and preserve them in the twinkle of his eye. The same child grew up and begun taking ample interest in the realms of photography. 

    I wish to have the power to hold the attention of the contestants in the blind race that has no end. What could be better than pausing for a while to breathe and reflect upon the beauty that we tend to overlook. My photography is my vision. My passion is the reason and inspiration for the words that I am weaving right now. 

    A Spiderman or a superman rises whenever even an underdog realises his calling. Life is not a fairytale or a fable of the superheroes but I have searched within and have found my calling. All I need is a chance to capture my story unlike any other. I capture. I believe. I perspire. Given a chance, one day I would love to inspire.     


  1. i too so wish that we can reverse the clock..nothing more I need in this life :) beautifully written :)


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