We are more than an accessory

Saw a group of school kids, well I would be wrong to call a flock of scantily dressed, swearing and mocking individuals, as kids. But, it is hard to say if they are individuals as everyone seems alike and acts alike. It is frustrating to feel this desperation to belong as this is not limited to the kidults but to the adults at the workplace, social events and home.

If we ‘fit into’ a group because of the new tab that we brought yesterday or our dirt bike, it is not something to be rapt about but is an alarm for us to wake up. Acceptance is not about fitting in; it is about making a place for ourselves and not the belongings that we can flaunt. Any refuge taken to hide a weakness remains a weakness and is not to be mistaken for power. Our style might be a license to strut around with someone who would not still like us but merely be flattered by the fact that they are being idolized and followed around by someone who is always on their heels.

We are not an accessory; an accessory has features but not an identity. Before we become a portable accessory shop with no say, we must slowly start disposing off any teenage dogmas. Anyone can say the right things at the right time and follow a fashion fad when it sells like hot cakes.

But, not many have the strength to walk down the road of their choice, not worrying about the ones ahead or behind them but being grateful and happy for the ones who walk beside u. You may realize towards the end of the road that the ones whom you were trying to imitate also yearn for attention of someone else and so on. But, life is like a bicycle and one must keep moving to retain balance. There might surely be other bicycles on the same road, and if you plan to ride on theirs then yours has no purpose. Ride on.


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