Are there any answers?

Aren't we always running after something? What answers are we really searching for? There would be a much simpler world out there only if we let go of self-inflicted hurt and pity. Holding on to the unexplored gives us a false sense of comfort.

We want to believe that there might be something out there, something bigger and better than what we already have. Something that would lift the burden of guilt over our wrongdoings, sweeten the bitterness over past and blot out our embarrassments.

The day we stop finding faults with ourselves and look forward rather than turning around after every step we task, we may not need any answers. As every day unfolds around us, life becomes easy. We can like it or hate it, but we do not need to keep on peeling the surface till nothing remains. Come to think of it, maybe there are no answers. There is just life — to see and live instead of grappling in the dark.


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