Prisons of the mind

I wonder if the word prison that I am going to scatter amidst my words on this sheet is a reality or merely an illusion. A creation of my overworked or underworked brain or an image infront of my eyes, that actually exists. Here as I sit staring outside the door a random thought leads to a trail of thoughts. The prison plays the role of a central character in the play that takes place everyday on the stage of our lives before the lines of our hand decide to draw the curtains and end it. Either it is the prison that we create for our own self so sometimes it is us who are locked inside the prison and sometimes it the outside world or our dreams and aspirations that are yet to be achieved, as we with longing remain inside with everything that we have achieved. Although it is surely advisable to create the prison around us for reflecting upon life but we must remember to observe the world around through the bars. All the locks that have ever existed do have keys as their counterparts.

Let us take a brief example from nature. A pebble can either be washed away ashore or can either sustain the pressure of the stream to create a bridge along with others of its kind, hand in hand.The stream that would have made its way through the mountains would have been able to do so due to sheer persistence and not strength. Strength lies in the mind and it empowers a mere seed to grow into a tree that conquers the sky with its branches without parting with its humility. Rendering shade and fruits borne it remains down to earth with its roots deep into the soil. An achiever is one who dreams a dream and dedicates himself towards making it a reality, with head held high and feet firmly on the ground.Persistence can change the course of our life and we can either be a pebble lost amidst the stream that gushes into the sea or can be the bridge under whose feet the violent water lies. In all of us there lives a dreamer, a dreamer who dares to dream but is afraid to act. As we embark on a journey a single step can provide us the courage to move on towards our designated destination. But the only driving force is our own self and no one else. We often face the dilemma regarding the decision that wether we should hold on or let go. And we conveniently opt for the easy way out. Later on we do regret the shallowness of our decision but eventually it becomes instilled in the way of life and we begin living the change as though life had always been this way.

Accepting any change or being the first step towards a change that demands determination, is a tough call. Unless we have the courage to loose sight of the shore we cannot expect to discover a new ocean.Obstacles will only be visible when we would fail to focus on our goal. Not a single speck on this earth is perfect. Perfection is beyond our reach but reaching out perfectly for a dream is all that matters. Filling our empty pitcher with the water from the sea is something that we all look forward to in times of need to quench our thirst but the search for water in the desert is truly rewarding as it instills in us the will power to cross uncountable deserts of difficulties. Wether to consider the dream as an illusion or a reality is in our hands but for the dreamers who are driven to work towards their dream a reality, dreams are merely an anticipation for their actions to achieve their goal. Let us try to add a pinch of actions into the recipe of dreams to discover that life is truly delicious. The keys to all the prisons of our imagination have not been hidden in the corners of the world but lie within our thoughts itself in the form of will power that treads each and every path along with us as our companion but we do need to befriend it. The realisation that we need to end the search for the keys around us, needs to dawn upon us. This is possible only by taking our head out from the clouds of imagination and coming down to earth where the world of dreams can be shaped into a reality as we break free.

Am I outside or am I within

I ask myself as I peep through the bars

Did I really ever try to decipher what I saw

As with my head up in the clouds I caught many a stars

I merely looked around searching for the keys

When I was only imagining the bars

I could have chosen to tread on the ground

But my sight was fixed on the stars

Wish I had found what lies within

if I had not only seen through but beyond the bars..

I am the believer and I am the achiever

As I would aim for the sky I would catch the stars..

You dream a dream and so do I

Let us be the change as we break the bars..


  1. good to see your works on WWW status...keep writing... and as i said keep writing, keep thinking, keep dreaming, visualize the meta physiscal state too... and be the bird of you wrote....


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