The Raven

The exuberant raven high up above as a distant speck,
covers the magnanimous span of the vast blue globe.
But, never does it look down upon many a speck on the orb in a wreck,
where many a dreams await to trade the map of the palms to elope
into the land of the bird who rises and sets in the farm of the sun,
without giving it a thought
that the expectant eyes of the dainty one
might await a flip of the coin to land up amidst our blot.
It has survived many a malevolent storms with silent grace,
many a harsh seasons it has lived.
On the contrary, we live to expect an unattainable pace.
With every earnest prayer answered we would take flight with satiation shortlived.
With a glance at the cradle of a dream up there.
I walk away contented, into the realms of my atmosphere.


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