Corruption has invaded and pervaded every nook and corner of the ironically developing county. There has been intermittent eruption of corruption in the nation. From the low ranks to the aristocrats where everyone from the office boys to the Government officers believe in the policy of Give, take and give more. The under the table policy has led to the quality of work happening over the table. The prudent and the erudite have not been able to make use of their rights and duties. They have been readily taken for a ride by the ones who manage the traffic and even those who come across as managers of the state, in order to avoid dire consequences.
     The advent of corruption has led to adverse situations in which every one of us has a share since the day we gave in to the obstinate misers who have infested the grounds of the nation where the government has the propensity to hold its ground as an ant hill, hollow from within yet ready to march forward as an army of partners in crime, to protect their put up act of integrity before the curtain falls and their acts ends followed by a sure shot applause.
     The JanLokpal bill Hullabaloo under the India Against Corruption (IAC) movement led by former law minister Shanti Bhushan, his son Prashant Bhushan, Arvind Kejriwal of the RTI ACT, A former justice of Supreme Court N. Santosh Hegde, Lokayukta of Karnataka,  has witnessed the entire nation clamouring for change. The Lokpal bill was first introduced by Shanti Bhushan in 1968 and passed the 4th Lok Sabha in 1969. But the Rajya Sabha was dissolved before the bill got through. The Subsequent versions were re-introduced in 1971, 1977, 1985, 1989, 1996, 1998, 2001, 2005 and in 2008, but none of them passed. This issue came to surface as a result of major differences between the draft 2010 Lokpal Bill prepared by the government and that prepared by the members of the IAC. This bill, if passed, would be atonement for the Government and all the wrongdoers who have repressed the whistleblowers by unfair means. The obvious question that is going through everyone’s mind is that whether a single step or in this case, a single bill is enough for bringing about a revolutionary change. But, at the moment, in order to channelize the flow of funds and streamline the impertinent order of things, a resonant voice raised by Social Activist Anna Hazare is surely a building block towards the establishment of an ethical edifice of perspective. Inspite ofbeing taken into preventive custody and then being released due to public outcry, nothing could dampen Anna's ardent spirit and he has been able to move mountains, with the entire nation clamouring for a debate over the clauses.  As per the reports, Anna Hazare's fast was successful in mobilizing the support of thousands in the virtual world of social media. The Government is receptive to the idea of the debate and the signs are showing after BJP has also come forward in support of the movement.   

      To complain and ponder over what we perceive as a felony is definitely easy rather than fighting for a cause against a defiant throng of audacious populace that knows the tricks of the trade called CORRUPTION.The Government is ready to become defensive when in doubt of being doubted but does not care to pull its socks up and act for a better cause. The toothless Lokpal Bill structure needs to be rendered the support of an upright Bill. A few clauses of the Jan Lokpal bill need to be debated upon with the Government. The Prime Minister must come under the purview of the jurisdiction as he does not have the right to sit on the edge of the ship when his nation is sinking.When the pebbles of the dusty path that has been trodden upon, come alive, the glasshouses would not be spared for long. May the righteous clauses win. 



  1. Bold article.... Let it keep flowing... :)

  2. GUD One!!...keep writing..:}++
    congress = crooks BJP = crooks other parties = crooks we need a revamp of the political system.-


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