I have a dream, I carry a journey within

The Mechanics of Dreaming

While we dream, our body undergoes noticeable changes.  Our adrenaline rises, blood pressure increases, and our heart beats faster. Given this hyperactivity, it should be no surprise how someone with a weak heart can die in their sleep. 
Dreaming takes place during REM, which stands for Rapid Eye Movement.  It is thus called, because our eyes move rapidly back and forth under the eyelids. From the point we fall asleep, it takes 30 to 90 minutes before we start dreaming.  It sounds as if the body goes through a lot during this period but when in REM we remain completely still, even though we might shift quite a bit during the other stages of sleep. This period is commonly known as "REM Paralysis".
In REM sleep, the mind is as active as ever but the body is completely immobile and the muscles remain completely relaxed.  The chemicals, noradrenaline and seratonin are missing in the brain when in the dream state. They allow the brain to carry out task, solve problems and remember things. This is a reason why we have a difficulty remembering many of our dreams.

Every dream is an expression of the self, yet another chance at self-discovery, only if we open our eyes to the messages that the cradle of a dream carries. 

As The Beatles have said, Listen to the colour of your dreams.

Common dreams and their hidden meanings

1.      Abandonment
The dream about abandonment indicates that you need to live more freely and let go of old feelings and characteristics, hindering your growth. The dream may be the cause of a problematic childhood. It represents your fear of being deserted or betrayed.

2.      Accident
Accident signifies guilt about something that you have done and are not proud of. It may also signify the fear of getting behind the wheel. If it is a car accident then it may mean that you need to stop driving yourself hard. In case of a dream about a loved one, your subconscious tells you that a part of your self is dead or that you need to end the relationship with this person.

3.      Accomplice
It might signify that someone has a negative influence over you and you are harbouring feelings of guilt regarding something that you have done under that person.

4.      Adversary
Representation of conflict or fear. Maybe, rejection of an aspect of yourself. Overcoming an adversary represents resolution of an inner conflict.

5.      Air
Air represents creativity and intelligence. Foggy or polluted air represents an unclear thought process. Cold air would mean discordance in domestic relations and on the other hand hot air indicates presence of evil around you.

6.      Attack
Representation of the situations that you are avoiding in reality.  Depiction of pent-up frustration and anger or portrayal of vulnerability.

7.      Corridor
Transitional phase of self-exploration.

8.      Death
To dream about death of a loved one signifies that a particular aspect or quality possessed by that person is lacking in you. Your own death would stand for self-discovery and positive change. It may also be the cause of painful relationships or the desperation of trying to escape from the demands of life.

9.      Destruction
It shows that the choices you are making might be self-destructive.

10.  Dog
A dog in the dream may be the representation of many a thing. It might depict your loyalty or maybe that of anyone whom you know. The death of a dog might represent loss of a good friend or deterioration of your own instincts. A happily barking dog stands for an enjoyable social circle, while a ferociously barking one would suggest that you are controlling in nature and might also indicate unfriendly companions. If the dog is after you to bite you then it indicates that you might have lost your ability to balance aspects of your life.

11.  Drowning
It might indicate that you are trying to discover your unconscious thoughts or maybe you are feeling overwhelmed by emotions. To see someone drown might suggest a loss of your identity and if you are able to rescue the endangered, then it might mean that you have been successful in recognizing emotions.

 Dream on. They are not merely glimpses into the unknown but a glance at our unknown self.


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