Java—Coffee— Joe—Café

Everybody should believe in something. I believe I‘ll have another coffee.
— Anonymous

Legend has it that Ethiopian shepherds first noticed the effects of caffeine after their goats started acting loony once they ate coffee berries. Originally, coffee was eaten in Africa as the African tribes used to mix the beans with fat to make high-energy coffee balls.

One of the most consumed beverages in the world, known by many a name across varied countries, coffee is surely a popular beverage. Aside from its great taste and the endless ways one can enjoy a cup of coffee. Due to its fairly high caffeine concentration, coffee is frequently used as a stimulant and the usage counts back to the ninth century.

Everyone recognizes a roasted coffee bean but unless you have lived in a country or city with coffee plantations, you would not be aware of its true nature, its essence. A coffee tree can grow up to 30 feet and live up to 20-30 years and it takes nearly a year for a cherry to mature after the flowering of the white blossoms. It takes three to four years for a coffee seed to grow into a tree that produces coffee beans.

Coffee berries are picked, dried and stripped till all that is left is a green bean which is then roasted. Interestingly, after being shipped the coffee beans are roasted to 500 Fahrenheit. That is when it will pop to double in size. The second ‘pop’ means that the bean is ready to be ground. In this way, coffee travels a long way in the form of cherries, coffee beans, roasted to varied temperatures and ground to a fine powder, before being poured into our coffee mugs.

A finely prepared mug of coffee should be enjoyed as leisurely and slowly as it was brewed. Take a moment to smell the aroma before taking a sip of indulgence.


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