We are ordinary! Big Deal!

Nothing is perfect. Knowing that the people whom we love truly, love us back with all their heart, the feeling that follows the realization is surely close to perfect. Misgivings occur, things go wrong and many a times we do not know whom to turn to. But the people close to our heart will never step back or go away, they would only turn their face away hoping for you to sit beside them, hold them close even if they act invincible under your gaze and see the tears welling up in their eyes. Catch hold of their hand, cry a river, build a bridge and cross over to the other side. It may take time but eventually you would know that sharing such heart wrenching moments with them has brought you closer in an unexplainable way. 

Yes, we cry and we laugh. We sit beside a window when it rains, relishing our favourite mug of coffee, smiling sheepishly, warm in the patchwork blanket of memories sewn together only for us, for a fulfilling day like this.

We fight with the people we love but we know that every single time when we do, we fight for them and for us. We bite our lip and hide our tears but eventually we do cry like a child, unabashed, unashamed, as we know that somehow the other person will ease our pain and blow off the wisps of doubts. We laugh as we walk back on the leaf strewn sprawled land of the world that we mould for us. We can hear the creaks of the woods, the racket of mischievous birds and the crunch of dry autumn leaves under our feet. And as we stroll, we might not remember the stone that we kicked till the end of the road, the branches that we climbed, the melodies that we tried to hum and yet croaked; but even the birds that soar high up in the sky do not make a note of the part that it touched, neither does the sky remember the clouds with which the bird played. All they remember is the way they touched each other's life, through the rain, along the sun and braved many a storm together. That is all that matters.

We are ordinary people and will remain so. Dreams will always accompany us on our strolls in the wild and in our struggles on the steps of a promising tomorrow. But as long as our dreams are not snatching away another person's right or livelihood, we are safe and protected from the understated web of guilt that holds itself together and yet robs off the ability to wander back into a safe haven. 

All of us together create the world. Rather, we are the world. As long as we learn to love not merely a chosen few but breathe in the scent of humanity,we are together, as long as we are true to each other and do not close our ears to the voice of our own conscience, we would be able to look at the mirror everyday and we would not part with the courage to look in the eye of the other. Nothing would ever be perfect but contentment is surely worth saving the voice of our conscience, to turn to whenever temptations tend to lure us. 

There is nothing wrong in being ordinary, with ordinary dreams and hopes and ambitions. There is nothing wrong in crying our heart out when our throats hurt. We cried when we were born and still every time we do so, we know that we are alive. Like they say that a smile is the light in the window of our face that tells people we are home and yet tears is the rain that clears that windowpane of the dust from yesterday.We are ordinary. When all of us would think in the same way, we could be more than ordinary. We would be Extra-Ordinary. Life is perfect this way. Ain't it! 


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