Foot down and Feet up

Long days. Long days are supposed to be fuel for thought but what are we supposed to blame if the otherwise productive days do not lead to any words that could be penned down. A nagging feeling had been telling me from the past few days to take a break.

Taking a break and spending time with oneself may not be as overrated as I thought it to be. Well, it inspired me to give a body to my thoughts. A new playlist on the iPod or even a room makeover surprisingly helps clear the clutter clattering in the headspace. A rainy day with music and coffee was delightful and away from everyday chaos. So while I am at and taking a break from monotony, I thought why not pen down this thought today.

But, a break should be a short getaway from everyday tedium and not a trip down the road to hibernation. Days might seem even more demanding after an outing; however, when dealt with newly acquired vigour and perspective, testing days can be dealt with ease, eventually making us feel even better about ourselves.

There is no denying that a challenge at hand gives us adrenaline enough to make our way through many other challenges. But I better leave that for tomorrow and savour the last dregs of my day with a cold coffee in hand and a newfound willingness to greet tomorrow.

Sometimes we all need some "me time" without having a guilt trip. So put your foot down once in a while and your feet up on your bean bag.


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